Thursday, December 10, 2009

giriş çikiş no. 1

recently k and i had to renew our visas. a turkish tourist visa expires every 90 days and if you're living in turkey and don't have a residence permit, you have to leave the country and reenter the country to get a new visa. the length of time spent outside turkey varies depending on the country and checkpoint you go to. some places like bulgaria are strict and require at leat 24 hours out and other checkpoints in greece require only a couple of hours. like everything here, it really depends on who you're dealing with.

even though this process is kind of a pain and costs time/ money i like being forced to take trips. turkey borders a lot of really interesting countries so visa renewal time a good chance for exploration. however, because k was in the middle of finals we decided to take a quick 24 hour trip into greece by bus. we found the closest greek city accessible by bus, alexandroupoli (about 3 hours west of istanbul),  bought our tickets and were on our way!

giriş/enter, çikiş/exit

bus travel in turkey is really great. it's a very cheap way of travelling that everyone here uses. we chose metro bus, one of the biggest bus companies here. their buses are big and comfy. they also have tvs on the back of every seat and serve you tea and snacks. the only down side is that there are no bathrooms but they do stop every 2-3 hours at a rest stop so it's not a big deal. or you can bring a catheter. the ride was really fun though and i was entertained and well satiated for every kilometer of it.

wait to leave indeed DELUXE double decker bus

the trip was great, although a little stressful in unexpected ways. the actual border crossing was kind of a pain as we all stood at the turkish checkpoint in line for 20 minutes outside in the windy cold and in the way of approaching cars. this process was repeated again 10 minutes later at the greek border where we had to wait for the bus in front of us to finish their inspection. we saw some interesting things while we were waiting (like georgian lettering and big bags of fish) but it was a little too cold to maintain a childlike sense of curiosity for more than 10 minutes.

goodbye Turkey hello Greece! we wait mysterious alphabet

also, for some reason you aren't allowed to buy a round trip bus ticket and have to purchase the return ticket in greece. but since we left on a saturday, all the travel agencies in alexdropouli were closed. of course we found this out AFTER our bus dropped us off, but in typical mediterranean fashion, the solution lay in a network of helpful strangers and phone calls. the very nice and helpful train office agent explained to us that all we had to do was track down the bus driver's cell phone number, call him about 2 hours before he was supposed to pick us up, and he would swing by and get us. of course. he then sent us to the tourist office which had a 50/50 chance of being open. luckily it was and the nice lady there got the number by calling the restaurant owner of a place near the bus stop who had it. so with the number safely tucked away on a strip of paper in k's pocket, we went off to go explore.

alexandroupoli, greece is a cute little beach town that borders the Thrace sea. it's a town that is clearly in full bloom in the summertime. no so much in the winter. while there were plenty of locals out and about, the town itself seemed to be operating at half mast. everything was hibernating including the deck chairs and amusement parks along the water. but i found its winter sleepiness rather comforting and charming. and there were christmas decorations everywhere, something i didn't even know i missed until i saw the lighted christmas trees peeking behind curtains of apartments and houses.

luna park

things accomplished while we were there include: eating a pork chop (something near impossible to do in turkey), drinking ouzo (a lot like raki but sweeter), drinking beer that wasn't efes, assisting in decorating a christmas tree, watching a chess game come to a draw, meditating on the amazing beach light of the thrace sea, and actually reaching the bus driver who picked us back up and took us back home.

ouzo and a beer you can't get in Turkey

also the duty free shop on the greek border is one of the best ones i've seen anywhere. you can buy all sorts of fun things for really cheap like really good olive oil for 3 euro or german beer for 6, which we did.

all in all it was a fun trip and if anyone is needing to renew their visas from istanbul, i would highly recommend alexandroupoli as your turn around point. just make sure you get the driver's cell phone number before you get off!

beautiful Thrace Sea


The Turkish Life said...

Sounds like a good trip! I know plenty of people who cross the border into Bulgaria and come right back, though, so I don't think the 24-hour rule is actually in effect...

owo said...

good to know, although i think we're gonna try and some place more "mediterranean" next time around. any suggestions?