Monday, July 5, 2010

lucky in logan square

the Wong Davis AMEREACQUAINTED tour 2010 is on!

first stop chicago, where i found my first every four leaf clover on my way back from breakfast. hopefully this is a sign of good things to come.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

a big f***ing deal

living abroad this year means i am not as in touch with the goings on of my home country as i'd like to be. i try to stay current but without getting american news via tv or radio, i am more in the dark than normal. and who has the time to read the entire new york times or washington post online. but one piece of news that has definitely made it's way around the globe is the historic legislation just passed over the weekend regarding health care reform. the few turkish news channels i turn to are all talking about it, from what i can make out. and it's even made some front pages.

and as an expat living in a country that has a terrific socialized health care system where hospital visits cost a mere $50 for work that would easily cost $300 in the states, all i can do is elatedly quote joe biden, "this is a big f***ing deal." maybe now k and i can return home and get that much needed checkup we've holding out on for the last 5 years.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

niçin istanbul?

today i was mulling over how i got here. really, how did i end up in Turkey, twice? because when i think about it, it all feels very random.

it just so happens that i fell in love with a man who studied music and whose former professor just happened to be starting a promising international music program in Istanbul. and it just so happens that i decided to move in with that man into his cozy apartment and encouraged him that it would be a good idea if he take up his professor's offer and attend that really promising program. because he was looking for something more in his life. and on one hot july night, a group of kids broke into our basement and lit our building on fire. and it just so happens that at that moment when that match hit the pile of unsold books my neighbor had left from a yard sale she had held that afternoon that turned the building into a smoldering inferno, i too had been feeling an itch. an itch of restlessness, dissatisfaction with my life, of where my life was heading. and it just so happens that all of my good friends had moved away at that time and i was seeing changes in my neighborhood i didn't like and slowly unfastening my ties to my chicago community, so that as my love and i cleaned up the charred debris of our apartment and felt the residual heat of the fire still radiating from the walls, i thought, maybe i should go with him to Istanbul.

so Istanbul i went and it turned out Istanbul I loved. and as i sit under the shadow of the Galata Tower drinking my tea and listening to the haunting chorus of the call to prayer echo around the city and the relentless hungry yowls of the street cats and the shop keepers and cafe owners calling out, i still marvel at how i ended up here, almost halfway across the world from chicago to a place so completely different.

and as i walk around my charming neighborhood, asking for bread in Turkish, fielding questions from shopkeepers and cab drivers and fruit sellers who speak enough english for their first question for me to be, "what are you doing in İstanbul. why are you here?" i answer in my very basic Turkish about how my husband studies here and I am here to be with him. but really the answer is a lot more complicated.

i'm here because i love my husband but also because i was looking for something different. and different found me. just not in the way i thought. so as difficult as living in a foreign country can be, i feel really lucky to be here. i now look at my life, who i am, and who i want to be in a way that i never would have had i not come here. and in that way, this experience has been a gift.

i'm not a big believer in Fate, in the cosmic plan kind of way. i believe that life throws things your way and that how you decide to act on these things creates your fate. our fates lie in the shaping and focus of these random things that happen to us so that sometimes a seemingly random chain of events brings you to a place that you never thought you'd be and you realize it's not so random at all.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

mutlu yıl dönümü benim sevgilim !!!!!

one year ago today i was in a very different place under a sea of sky, embraced by a golden glow amongst red mountains, kissing my new husband and promising to be with him forever. happy anniversary my love!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

mutlu yillar!

happy new year!

this year i resolve to take more walks. my new neighborhood is full of back alleys and hidden passage ways perfect for that sort of thing. here are some nice things i've come across...

things i've seen on recent walks