Wednesday, September 9, 2009

resuscitate and renew

after a year of wandering, i am heading back to Istanbul. i will be there for a whole year, starting a new chapter in my life, one that feels exciting and scary and very mysterious. while i have ideas and projects planned, i really don't know how my time there will pan out. but this time i feel ready to face that mystery and really embrace whatever might happen. it'll be strange to go back to a place that once seemed so exotic and foreign to me. now it just feels like moving back to the the old 'hood. but i know there's so much more to discover and learn about.

so much has happened this past year that this time last year, when i started this blog, now feels like ages ago. it's funny how you think time is flying by, but when you stop to really take stock of everything that's gone on, you feel like you've aged 10 years. when i look back on the (oh so few) entries i've written, i almost feel like i'm reading about someone else's life.

but, unlike the last time i was here, i am ready to really live there. i am ready to be open to what Istanbul is as a place, and not as a destination. this time, i really can't wait.


jennifer bastian said...

hurray for your new adventures - get me some new food pics asap!!

owo said...

on it!

MizMishka said...

Yay! It's kind of like you get a "do-over" with Istanbul. I've often wished that I could re-experience periods of time in my life, or places I've traveled so that I could get an more real sense of the experience. I'm happy for you and can't wait to be reading more istanblog! :)